Description of the tomato variety Jempakt, its characteristics and yield

Tomato Jempakt F1 is a hybrid variety produced in Japan by Sakata. The plant appeared in Russia recently, let’s look at its features and characteristics.

Plant characteristics

Determinate, medium growth is limited, does not exceed 60 cm, so does not need a garter. The tomato is intended for planting in open ground, does not require special growing conditions, the root system is powerful, the stem is strong, easily holds the weight of the fruit, and does not break. It is recommended to plant 4 plants per square meter of area at a distance of 40–50 cm from each other.The seeds are sown in March; they should be planted in the garden with the onset of warm weather; the period varies depending on the region of residence. The ripening is average, there is no green spot on the stalk.

Jempact tomato seeds

The Jempakt tomato is also suitable for greenhouse cultivation, this is especially true for the Siberian region, where frosts recede in June and the summer period ends in August. Seedlings can be planted under film as early as May. Later, it is necessary to ventilate it by opening the windows and doors during the day, and do not forget to cover the bushes in time at night.

Description of fruits

The fruits are large, on average the weight of one tomato reaches 120 grams, and can be grown up to 250 grams. Hybrids set well in both warm and cool weather, ripening begins right on the branch. A medium-yielding variety, you can collect 1–1.5 kg of fruit from one meter of bed. Tomatoes are round, smooth, regular in shape, have a dense consistency, and a dark red color. They have juicy pulp, intended for fresh consumption, for salads, juices, sauces, winter preparations, good taste. They are not suitable for preservation in their entirety as large fruits do not fit into the neck of the jar.

Tomato storage is excellent, the fruits do not crack and can withstand transportation and mechanical harvesting. Such properties make them the choice of vegetable businesses.

The bushes do not need additional feeding; they obtain all the necessary substances from the soil, thanks to their powerful roots. The tomato is able to germinate and bear fruit under any climatic conditions and has the ability to adapt to the weather.

appearance of the Jempact tomato

The plant resists diseases that are more common:

  • verticellosis;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • root nematode;
  • bacterial spot virus;
  • root rot.

Summer residents note that the big disadvantage of the variety is its susceptibility to blossom end rot. In addition, some reviews indicate the irregular shape of the fruit.

tomato bushes Jempact

Fruiting of the Jempact F1 tomato begins at the end of July, depending on your region, at this time the bushes are strewn with fruits that ripen together on the branches. If you wish, you can pick it and wait until it gets home. Picking occurs from the first leaf; after planting in the ground, it is recommended to tie up the tomatoes.

Tomato variety Jempakt F1 germinates and bears fruit equally in a greenhouse and in the open air. The fruits are uniformly colored, there are no white spots at the junction with the stalk, and there are no seed chambers inside either. Tomato fruit sets and ripening occurs almost at the same time. Care includes weeding, watering, loosening the soil; no fertilizers, including biological ones, are needed. The plant is unpretentious, mid-season, high-yielding.

The determinant property makes it possible to grow crops on the balcony.

jampakt tomato seeds
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