Characteristics and description of the Far North tomato variety, its yield

Low-growing tomato Far North, refers to early varieties of tomatoes. It is mainly intended for growing in open ground. Excellent for growing in greenhouses.

Description and characteristics

Growing tomatoes on a plot is not so difficult; given the available variety, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one variety or another. To simplify the process, many turn to the Internet in search of information.

tomato seeds far north

Description and characteristics of the “Far North” tomato variety contains all the necessary data about the tomato.


  • Bush: standard, low growing.
  • Barrel: strong.
  • Inflorescence: simple.
  • Height: from 40 to 60 cm.
  • Garter: not required.
  • Ripening time: 3 months from the moment of emergence.

The central stem stops growing after 6 inflorescences have formed.

tomato bushes far north


  • Shape: round, slightly elongated, sometimes slightly ribbed.
  • Color: red.
  • Size: not large.
  • Number of cameras: 4-6.
  • Weight: from 30 to 100 g.
  • Transportability: excellent.
  • Taste: normal with sourness.
  • Use: universal.

appearance of tomato in the far north

Features of growing the variety

The peculiarity of “Far North” tomatoes is that they can be grown without sowing seeds for seedlings. The plant is very cold-resistant. Therefore, in April you can plant the seeds directly into the ground. Use ordinary glass jars as shelter.

The variety is early, so the first buds may appear within a month. The ovary will form 45-47 days after germination. And the first red tomato can be picked within three months after planting. Mass maturation occurs on days 93-95. At 1 m2 Up to 8 plants are planted.

The distance between the bushes is from 30 to 40 cm. To obtain a larger harvest, the distance can be increased to 50 cm.

The plant does not require pinching.

All plant care comes down to watering as needed. And feed at least 1-2 times during the season. Fertilizing is carried out 2 weeks after planting in the ground (if the seedling method was used). Then before flowering. You can fertilize 3 times before the tomatoes ripen.

Far North tomato in the garden

In order to reap the maximum harvest, summer residents advise:

  1. Carry out picking (after the appearance of 2 full leaves).
  2. Grow by seedling method.
  3. Tie and pin.

Easily tolerates cold and temperature changes.

It is best to water with settled warm water after sunset. By mulching the root zone, you can reduce the number of waterings to 2-3 per season. The plant will take the rest of its moisture during rain.

tomato far north in open ground

Harvest volume

The productivity of the variety is high. From one plant you can get up to 1.2 kg of tomatoes. Fruiting is abundant. At 1 m2 You can collect up to 2 kg of fruit. Subject to all rules and requirements, pinching and gartering, one plant can produce up to 2.5 kg of yield.

The fruits ripen very quickly, and the entire main harvest ends by the end of August.

Disease susceptibility

Tomatoes of this type are valued because they are resistant to many diseases. For example:

  • Top and root rot.
  • Late blight.

Not being susceptible to diseases that affect other varieties has made “Far North” tomatoes very popular among many summer residents. Early harvesting makes it independent of the widespread spread of late blight.

appearance of tomato in the far north


"Far North" is excellent for canning. Many people prefer to prepare salads from it, using tomatoes to prepare lecho, assorted vegetables, and juices.

Excellent when used fresh. For holiday table decorations. The versatility of the fruit is confirmed by summer residents who grow it on their plots.

Suitable for whole canning. The fruits retain their integrity and the internal structure is not destroyed.

tomato and pepper lecho

Opinion of people involved in growing tomato crops

The presence of a large amount of information on the Internet about everything in the world makes life easier for a novice gardener.But reviews are most in demand. Reliable information from gardeners about a particular variety becomes an important help. Far North, tomatoes that conquered everyone with their cold resistance.


  • Natalia. Only good impressions. I grew tomatoes and will continue to plant them in the future.
  • Elena. Grown in a greenhouse. The tomatoes were among the first to sing. They will definitely grow more.
  • Maria. Considers the variety to be the best in all respects. He is engaged in seedlings. I am satisfied with everything, the taste, the volume of the harvest, its versatility.
  • Hope. She has been growing it for 4 years and is delighted with everything. Perfectly used in canning. And in its fresh form, it is generally irreplaceable. I really liked it.
  • Irina. He has been growing them for 2 years and calls the tomatoes awesome. She thinks she has found hers. Everything you need is in these tomatoes.
  • Konstantin. We planted several plants on the site. The harvest is less than declared, the taste is ordinary. There are other varieties that are more suitable in all respects. We are not going to plant any more.
  • Valeria. I grew it in seedlings in order to get early tomatoes. Planted in the ground in early May, she reaped a rich harvest. My husband and I decided to plant more of these tomatoes next year. The bushes are small, but there are a lot of tomatoes. This captivated them, forcing them to choose this variety.

a bunch of tomatoes in the far north

“Far North” are those tomatoes that were originally bred for regions where farming is unsustainable and weather conditions are unstable. Its early maturity is perfect for those places where summer passes in a short period of time. Summer residents fell in love with this variety for its resistance to diseases and cold resistance. And also the fact that it perfectly tolerates temperature changes and rainy summers. Having chosen these tomatoes, few people regretted their decision.
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